This paper describes a method of the model recogniztion for the attitude angles of a ship,also a method of the parametric estimation and prediction. The method of the parametric estimation given in this paper is straightforward and easy to use in real time. The prediction method presented here can predict the. speed and acceleration of attitude augles of a ship. Moreover,the paper also presented a method of model stationary vector stochastic series with given correlation matrix on the basis of a triamgular decomposition of the block Toeplith matríx. The method described in the paper needs less storage capacity of a computer.
刘风岐.舰船姿态的数据处理[J].国防科技大学学报,1982,(2):95-108. Liu Fengqi. Data Processing for Ship Attitudes[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1982,(2):95-108.