This paper briefly relates the investigation of colour 1iquid crysta1 film with encapsulations as well as the principle and the measured results of the colour thermal display images. The film is conveniently used to analyse the distribution of the several fields. It is also used as avisual estimate method of a11 sorts of the thermal effects. The applicability of the film will be wide. Its spreading will be very valuable.
谢淑云,金昭廷,彭传才.色彩微胶囊液晶膜的研究[J].国防科技大学学报,1983,(4):55-64. Xie Shuyun, Jin Zhaoting, Peng Chuancai. Investigation of the Colour Liquid Crystal Film with the Encapsulations[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1983,(4):55-64.