软件开发到底是一个什么过程?这个过程中的哪些工作能自动化?这是软件开发自动化的两个核心问题。本文以这两个问题为中心来展开讨论,试图提出一些见解以改进过去的研究工作。值得指出的是;基于这里的思想,我们已经实现了一个用于开发 Ada 软件的支持系统。实验表明:在该系统的支持下,开发者能以最少的干预半自动地实现从问题的自然语言描述到程序包规范的转换。
What on earth is the software development process? Which tasks in this process can be automated? These are two key problems to software development automation. Taking them as the heart of matter this paper sttempts to advance some ideas so as to improve the past researches. It is worth pointing out that on the basis of these ideas a support system to develop Ada programs has been implemented. Experiments have shown that under the support of the system developers can semiautomatically implement the transformation from description of problems in natural language to package specification in Ada with the least interference.
殷建平,陈火旺,张克均.软件开发自动化[J].国防科技大学学报,1991,13(2):140-147. Yin Jianping, Chen Huowang, Zhang Kejun. Software Development Automation[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1991,13(2):140-147.