The paper introduces an adaptive echo canceller in full-duplex analog speech secure system. The implementation of the canceller is made possible by using a block-update method to update the transversal filter coefficients. The method has advantages in convergence properties and computational efficiency over the standard mininum gradient algorithm. It also meets the echo canceller requirements of the CCITT G.165 recommentlation.
王耀勋,陈国璋,易波.一种全双工模拟话密系统的自适应回波抵消器[J].国防科技大学学报,1991,13(4):27-30. Wang Yaoxun, Chen Guozhang, Yi Bo. An Adaptive Echo Canceller in Full-Duplex Analog Speech Secure System[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1991,13(4):27-30.