The paper uses the input signa1s designed by the difference sets theory to identify the impu1se response functions of the non1inear system's Hammerstein model. The po1ynomia1 coefficients of the non1inear subsystem have been further obtained. The obtained formu1as are very simple,and the probability of identification results are consistently convergent to their origina1 ones. Some simu1ation results are a1so given in it.
胡德文,王正志.非线性系统 Hammerstein 模型辨识[J].国防科技大学学报,1992,14(1):37-41. Hu Dewen, Wang Zhengzhi. Identification of the Nonlinear System's Hammerstein Models[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1992,14(1):37-41.