The binary-to-decimal (BTD) conversion is often used in computer.It is the key problem to calculate D first for converting the binary floating point number (BFPN) O.B1B2…Bn*2B into the decimal 0.D1D2…Dm*10D. In this paper,we comprehensively studied the nature of BFPNand inferred an important conclusion for calculating D precisely. Based on the conclusion we constructed a high efficient formula which can not only calculate D but also keep the total error minimum in application.
钟志新.计算机“二一十”进制数据转换算法[J].国防科技大学学报,1993,15(1):31-36. Zhong Zhixin. The Reseach on BTD Algorithm of Data Conversion in Computer[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1993,15(1):31-36.