The p1asma heated by a whistler wave in the magnetic fie1d configuration which is necessary for the formation of sloshing e1ectrons is investigated. Detai1ed measurements of the parameters of the p1asma about the resonance zone are presented. The experiment results show that;(1)there exists a density peak and a temperature peak near the resonance zone;(2)the peaks together with the resonance zone move as B(the magnetic fie1d of the mirror center)changes;(3)the physics mechanism of the p1asma heating is that a lot of e1ectrons absorb the microwave and turn back near the resonance zone.
张建德,方瑜德,史义才,等.磁镜中哨声波加热等离子体研究[J].国防科技大学学报,1993,15(4):55-59. Zhang Jiande, Fang Yude, Shi Yicai, et al. The Investigation of Plasma Heated by Whistler Wave in a Magnetic Mirror[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1993,15(4):55-59.