In this paper, the time-dependent numerical method is used to solve the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equation. In the numerical procedure, Roe's flux difference splitting technique and Chakravarthy-Osher TVD scheme are used for the pressure and convective terms. Numerical solution of the Hypersonic laminer flow over a blunt biconic with 4°and 12°attack angle is obtained. The emphasis is placed on the predictions of the heat transfer rate on the wall. The numerical results of Stanton number are compared with the experimental data. And the multigrid method is also used to accelerate the convergence.
李桦,王承尧,王磊.用多重网格TVD方法求解三维高超音速粘性流场[J].国防科技大学学报,1998,20(2):1-4. Li Hua, Wang Chengyao, Wang Lei. Multigrid and TVD Scheme for Three Dimension Hypersonic Viscous Flowfield[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1998,20(2):1-4.