The three-dimension motion of a parachute and payload system is studied. Both the parachute and payload are assumed to have six degrees of freedom. They are coupled by a riser. The nonlinear differential equations of motion for a parachute-payload system are developed, which model the parachute suspension lines and the riser as inelastic elements. The resulting math model is then applied to analyze the dynamic performance of a drogue parachute recovery system. The simulation results are presented.
程文科,杨小伟,秦子增,等.物伞系统动力特性研究[J].国防科技大学学报,1998,20(4):27-30. Cheng Wenke, Yang Xiaowei, Qin Zizeng, et al. Analysis of the Dynamic Performance of a Parachute and Payload System[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1998,20(4):27-30.