The composition and electromagnetic property of the electromagnetic wave absorbent prepared from magnetic fine powder and PE were studied. The result shows: the added amount of PE has different influence on the whole frequency range. When the added amount of polycarbonsilane is 20 percent, the reflection loss is more than 6dB, and the frequency width is 2 GHz respectivly.
车仁超,李永清,陈朝辉,等.磁性微粉/聚乙烯复合材料的电磁特性[J].国防科技大学学报,1999,21(6):24-26. Che Renchao, Li Yongqing, Chen Zhaohui, et al. The Electromagnetic Property of Magnetic Fine Powder/PE Composite[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1999,21(6):24-26.