Nowadays, since the a language-based or the library-based approach has been adopted in simulation environmene, the reuse existing simulation models and tools, cannot be resused. Besides, they depend on the operating systems and hardware platforms. Especiarly they are lack of capability to operate over the Internet and the Web. Aiming these disadvantages puts forward a prototype of distributed simulation environment based on Web (DSEW) and makes a case study as well.
党岗,凌云翔,胡华平,等.一个基于 WEB 的分布式仿真环境[J].国防科技大学学报,1999,21(6):88-92. Dang Gang, Lin Yunxiang, Hu Huaping, et al. A Distributed Simulation Environment Based on Web[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1999,21(6):88-92.