The parallelism of quantum computing has shown its great power. However, the reality of the quantum computation enforces the researchers to simulate the quantum algorithms instead of doing research work on the real quantum computers. Based on the elementary theory and the simple model of quantum computation simulation, this paper discusses the techniques of quantum algorithm simulation. And according to the analysis of the space and time consuming of these simulation, we point out some problems in quantum algorithm simulation. we also discussed the techniques for optimizing the quantum algorithm simulation in the future.
谭明锋,戴葵,刘芸.量子算法模拟实现技术研究[J].国防科技大学学报,2000,22(2):86-89. TAN Mingfeng, DAI Kui, LIU Yun. Techniques for Simulating Quantum Algorithms[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2000,22(2):86-89.