A great number of guidance problems can be considered the problems of generalized two-point boundary-value in the field of aerospace. The paper discusses the methods to solve these problems with the help of neural network. The static two-point boundary-Value problems, such as offline guidance, are discussed in the paper. Based on the discussion, the dynamic two-point boundary-value problems, such as online guidance, are analyzed, and an effective method to solve them is presented.
陈磊,王海丽,任萱.基于神经网络的广义两点边值问题[J].国防科技大学学报,2001,23(2):23-27. CHEN Lei, WANG Haili, REN Xuan. Research on Generalized Two-Point Boundary-Value Problem Based on Neural Network[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2001,23(2):23-27.