Damage rules, target structrue and damage trees are proposed first. Finite elements are utilized to partition the shape of target. A vulnerability model of missile with fragmentation warhead damaging the target is built. With the validity of the simulation algorithm, the vulnerability model of the missile-launching vehicle is researched into and its result is given. From the result of the simulation, the damaging course of the missile attaching the targets on the ground can be depicted.
王宏伟,贺汉根,黄柯棣.基于有限单元的导弹攻击目标的毁伤模型[J].国防科技大学学报,2001,23(2):28-32. WANG Hongwei, HE Hangen, HUANG Kedi. Damage Model of Air-to-Surface Missile Target Based on Finite Elements[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2001,23(2):28-32.