For the choice of electromagnetic field boundary conditions in particle simulation of plasma,the simple absorbing boundary conditions, Lindman boundary conditions and super absorbing boundary conditions are discussed in detail.The results show that the computing quantity is the least and the error is the most for the simple absorbing boundary conditions, the computing quantity is the most and the error is the least for the super absorbing boundary conditions, and the error is less and the reflectance is little affected by the angle of incidence for Lindman boundary conditions.
霍启峰,邵福球.等离子体粒子模拟中的电磁场边界条件[J].国防科技大学学报,2001,23(4):28-31. HUO Qifeng, SHAO Fuqiu. Electromagnetic Field Boundary Conditions in Particle Simulation of Plasma[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2001,23(4):28-31.