The combustion characteristics of silver-wire embeded fuel-rich propellant grain are investigated. The effect of the diameters of silver wires and the composition of the propellant on the combustion properties is studied. The test pressure-time curves show that the combustion process of silver-embedded fuel-rich grain consiss of initial part, steady part and end part. The silver-embedded fuel-rich propellant grain with coarse silver wire(diameter: 0.3mm and 0.4mm)gives up high burning rate. Furthermore, to increase the burning rate of the fuel-rich propellant is also a good way to increase the burning rate of the silver-embedded fuel-rich propellant grain.
张炜,朱慧,夏智勋,等.嵌银丝贫氧推进剂燃烧特性[J].国防科技大学学报,2001,23(6):17-19. ZHANG Wei, ZHU Hui, XIA Zhixun, et al. Combustion Characteristics of Silver-Wire Embedded Fuel-Rich Propellant[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2001,23(6):17-19.