To survive the laser's attack, ballistic missiles can spin to reduce the dwell time of the beam at a particular point on the missile. The realzation of stability is different from before. We design the missile's autopilot by the method of classical control theory and MFD technology. The simulation result shows that the unsteady aerodynamic ballistic missile can fly stablly at the low spinning rate during the first boosting phase.
袁天保,刘新建,申慧君,等.弹道导弹滚动飞行稳定仿真[J].国防科技大学学报,2004,26(2):9-12. YUAN Tianbao, LIU Xinjian, SHEN Huijun, et al. Stability Simulation of the Spinning Ballistic Missile[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2004,26(2):9-12.