A final inflation model for parachutes was established. The forebody, suspension lines and canopy were modeled as a series of elastically connected mass nodes. The flow field inside the canopy was two-dimensional inviscid, incompressible flow. The model was used to calculate the variations of the canopy shape, the variations of canopy projection area and the tension of the suspension line during the final inflation phase. Numerical results were compared with the experimental data and found to be in agreement.
彭勇,张青斌,秦子增.降落伞主充气阶段数值模拟[J].国防科技大学学报,2004,26(2):13-16. PENG Yong, ZHANG Qingbin, QIN Zizeng. Simulation of Parachute Final Inflation Phase[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2004,26(2):13-16.