This paper introduces the concept of tasks, task instances and task context into traditionalrole-basedaccesscontrol model according to the weaknesses of the current role-based access control and the characteristics of distributedworkflowsystem. We propose a task & role-based access control model, whose architecture is not user-role-permission but user-role-task-permission, and its formal definition. This model overcomes the weaknesses of the bad dynamicadaption and the fake constraint of the least privilege. It can enhance the security and practicability of the distributed workflow system.
付松龄,谭庆平.基于任务和角色的分布式工作流安全模型[J].国防科技大学学报,2004,26(3):57-62. FU Songling, TAN Qingping. Security Task & Role-based Distributed Workflow Model[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2004,26(3):57-62.