A complex C4ISR system is composed of many subsystems. We use activity model to create the activity adjacency matrix, and path matrix (accessible matrix) of graph theory to recognize the strongly connected components, so as to get the sets of strongly depended activities. The activities in one set should be rearranged in one subsystem. We adopt this approach to recompose the C4ISR system.
修胜龙,罗雪山.利用交互依赖活动集对C4ISR系统进行重组[J].国防科技大学学报,2005,27(1):93-97 ,110. XIU Shenglong, LUO Xueshan. Using the Sets of Strongly Depended Activities toRecompose the C4ISR System[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2005,27(1):93-97 ,110.