Mission planning and scheduling of satellite, which is to support task plan making of satellite scientifically, is a main content of space resource management. One of the most important characteristics of satellite mission scheduling is that it is subject to time windows constraint, which means that tasks can only be completed within the given time windows. The scheduling model is formulated based on reasonable assumptions and constraint programming method. The model is solved with Variable Neighborhood Tabu Search (VNTS) algorithm. On the basis of a limited experiment, we observe that the algorithm is very effective in obtaining near-optimal solutions.
陈英武,方炎申,李菊芳,等.卫星任务调度问题的约束规划模型[J].国防科技大学学报,2006,28(5):126-132. CHEN Yingwu, FANG Yanshen, LI Jufang, et al. Constraint Programming Model of Satellite Mission Scheduling[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2006,28(5):126-132.