This paper proposes a pre-estimation based enhanced multidimensional resource allocation model (PE-EMRA) and its algorithm for network resource allocation. The PE-EMRA approach allocates both bandwidth and buffer resource for different traffic classes, balancing and limiting the arrival rate of traffic class and also maximizing the system utilization. The advantage of this approach is that it can maximize the system utilization and provide QoS guarantee while being flexible and easy to realize.
陈晓梅,党岗,苏金树.引入价格因素的网络资源分配模型与算法实现[J].国防科技大学学报,2007,29(6):75-80. CHEN Xiaomei, DANG Gang, SU Jinshu. A Price-based QoS Model and Algorithm for NetworkResource Allocation[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2007,29(6):75-80.