Teleoperation rendezvous and docking is referred to as the concept that the chase spacecraft is flown distantly through teleoperation approach. It can be used as a backup for autonomous rendezvous and docking for the unmanned chases during the finally approach stage. The concept of teleoperation rendezvous and docking (RVD) and the previous studies in this field were introduced firstly. Then, a design of the teleoperation RVD system was addressed, which is based on the primary assumed conditions of our future space station project. Finally, a simulation system was developed and corresponding experiments were carried out for verifying the design, especially the design with teleoperation time delay. The results show that the design is feasible, even though there are jobs to be done in the future.
周剑勇,张波,蒋自成,等.遥操作交会对接系统研究[J].国防科技大学学报,2012,34(3):24-28. ZHOU Jianyong, ZHANG Bo, JIANG Zicheng, et al. Researches on teleoperation rendezvous and docking system[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2012,34(3):24-28.