Control Momentum Gyroscopes Assisting Maneuver (CMGs AM) technique, a new large-angle space station attitude maneuver technique concept, is proposed, which employs both the Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMGs) and the thruster Reaction Control System (RCS) as the actuator. The fuel- optimal control problem of CMGs AM is formulated. With a two-step solving strategy, which utilizes an improved pseudo spectral knotting method, the fuel-optimal solution was obtained, and the results were compared with the fuel-optimal solution and constant-rate eigenaxis maneuver of thrust maneuver technique. It is shown that the CMGs AM technique inherits and further enhances the advantages of thruster maneuver and Zero Propellant Maneuver (ZPM) techniques. It significantly saves more fuel than the thrust maneuver and shortens the maneuver time greatly with greater robustness in comparison with ZPM.
章胜,黄海兵,赵乾,等.控制力矩陀螺辅助的空间站大角度姿态机动[J].国防科技大学学报,2013,35(4):7-13. ZHANG Sheng, HUANG Haibing, ZHAO Qian, et al. Study of control momentum gyroscopes assisting maneuver[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2013,35(4):7-13.