The pulsar profile, which is the key measurements of the pulsar navigation, is an important physical property of the pulsar. For in-depth study of the theoretical properties of the pulsar profile, the mathematical models of the standard pulsar profile and of the observed pulsar profile were established. The Crab Nebula profile function was fitted using the exponential function and the crab nebula standard pulsar profile was simulated using the profile function. Through the simulation of non-homogeneous Poisson random shooting experiment, the value of the photons TOA (time of arrival) was obtained, and the observed pulsar profile of the Crab Nebula was simulated. The simulation results show that the model can well describe the pulsar profile of the sky survey. The observed pulsar profile which was comprised of the profile and the noise was denoised based on wavelet threshold denoising method. Compared with the wavelet thresholding denoising method, through the numerical analysis, the GCV has a better denoising effect for the observed pulsar profiles.
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