The eddy current impedance in voice coil affects the behaviors of the high-frequency response of moving-coil loudspeakers under small input voltage. Based on the equivalent electrical circuit method in lumped parametric system and using the power exponent function of angular frequency to fit the magnitude and phase of the eddy current impedance, the power exponent function model of voice-coil eddy-current impedance was presented. The electrical impedance curves of six loudspeaker units in three types were obtained by using the laser impedance measurement system and the model parameters of eddy current impedance were identified by fitting the measured impedance curves with the least square method. Error comparisons between the simulative values and the measured data show that the power exponent function model can accurately reflect the change relationships between the measured eddy-current impedance and frequency. The magnitude and phase have small errors and behave good correspondences with the measured data.
孔晓鹏,曾新吾,田章福.动圈扬声器涡流阻抗建模[J].国防科技大学学报,2014,36(6):37-42. KONG Xiaopeng, ZENG Xinwu, TIAN Zhangfu. Modeling of eddy current impedance in moving-coil loudspeakers[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2014,36(6):37-42.