Quantum technology have been exploited to increase the performance of classical devices in science and engineering fields, such as electronic information and computer technology. Radar, as a typical electronic information system, suffers more and more challenge in target detection, for the widespread applications of stealth and electronic countermeasure technology. The system models of target detection, and the related research advance of the combination of quantum technology and radar technique were overviewed. The basic concept, classification and typical instances of quantum radar system were introduced. The significant research progress of how quantum phenomena enhance the radar target detection performance was analyzed. Directions of future work including key technologies and main problems in the realization of quantum radar were presented.
肖怀铁,刘康,范红旗.量子雷达及其目标探测性能综述[J].国防科技大学学报,2014,36(6):140-145. XIAO Huaitie, LIU Kang, FAN Hongqi. Overview of quantum radar and target detection performance[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2014,36(6):140-145.