To analyze the throughput of streaming application systems, it is necessary to model the periodic static order schedule into the synchronous dataflow graph. The throughput analysis efficiency depends on the size of the dataflow graph and the modeling time. To improve the throughput analysis efficiency, a schedule-aware dataflow model and its modeling method were proposed on the basis of the homogeneous synchronous dataflow graph. By exploiting the structure of the application model and the periodic static order schedule, the task number, edge number and initial token number were reduced. Besides, the throughput of the model can be analyzed using available analyzing methods. Experimental results show that the proposed modeling method outperforms the available methods, with the throughput analysis being optimized efficiently.
唐麒,吴尚峰,施峻武,等.调度感知同步数据流建模[J].国防科技大学学报,2017,39(2):128-133. TANG Qi, WU Shangfeng, SHI Junwu, et al. Modeling of schedule-aware synchronous dataflow[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2017,39(2):128-133.