(1. 同济大学 航空航天与力学学院, 上海 200092;2. 上海跃盛信息技术有限公司, 上海 200240)
张淑杰(1972—),女,山东昌邑人,副教授,博士,硕士生导师, E-mail:zhang_shujie@tongji.edu.cn
(1. School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2. Shanghai YS Information Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200240, China)
ZHANG Shujie, LI Guoze, ZHOU Yang, et al. Stress characteristics of bi-stable cylindrical shells with anti-symmetric laminated carbon fiber composite[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2021,43(3):32-37.