Abstract:In this paper,we examined the decision problems in a linear languages (for short LL) and Sequential languages (for short SL) for a Substitution. Following results are proved: Theorem 3 The problems of determining of given LL's (or SL's) L1 and L2 whefher or not there exists a substitution f mapping regular sets into regular sets is undecidable. Corollary 4 They are all undecidable to determine of arbitrary LL's (or SL's) L1 and L2 whether or not a f so that f(L1)=L2,where i) f is a homomorphism,or ii) f is a substitution,or iii)f is a ε-free substitution,or iv) f is a k-limited erasing substitution,or v) f is a generalized sequential machine,or vi) f is a complete sequential machine.