• Issue 1,1982 Table of Contents
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    • Theoritical Computation of the Two-dimensional Plate Projection Under the Action of a Sliding Detonation Wave


      Abstract (5137) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (5593) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This artic1e gives not on1y the theoretical models of the theoretical computation of the two-dimensional plate projection under the action of a sliding detonation wave (the models are devided into two parts-the projection in vacuum and the projection in air) but also their computation schemes. Author designed the programs in accordance with the difference method of characteristics. Numerical calculations have been carried out on the electronic computer. The calculation results have been compared with the experiment data and empirical formula. Thus,some conclusions are obtained,the main points of them are:①The theoritical models mainly coincide with the practice; ③Concerning the limit velocity of the projected plate,the calculation results obtained in two-dimensional model coincide with the results calculated in one-dimensional model when adiabatic exponent of the detonation product is equal to three; ③With regard to the limit velocity of the projected plate,the theoretical calculation results have showed that the effects of air on the velocity of the projected plate are negligible. For this reason,when the velocity of the projected plate is calculated,the effects of air on it can be ignored. Furthermore,in this article the analyses and the comments on the usual empirical formula and its modification carried out the basis of the calculation results.

    • A Computation for the Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Revolutionary SheI1s Having Liquid


      Abstract (5082) HTML (0) PDF 333.07 K (5169) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A finite element method is used for computing liquid-shell interaction vibration problem. When the pressure on the free surface have p=0,this is equivalent to add an additional mass matrix [Ma] in the governing equation for the shell,which represents the effect of the coupling of liquid and shell. After having been taken account of this effect,the natural frequencies of shell descend very larger1y,whi1e the fundamental mode shapes vary less.

    • The Locking Phenomenon of Second kind in Differential Laser Gyro


      Abstract (5238) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (5438) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper considers the coupling effects between the left and right handed circular1y polarized modes,and obtains fundamental formulas. Under the special conditions that the couplings. between the same handed palarized modes are the chief ones,we oftain an approximate analytic solution,quantitatively describing the locking phenomenon of second kind,which show,that every simple laser gyro lies in travelling wave state,while the differential beat frequency locks. The results coincide with our experimental data in recent years. We point out also the effective ways to weaken it. Besides,we oftain the positive terms of relative scale factor correction,which are the generalization of corresponding terms in simple laser gyro.

    • Several Optical Properties of Quartz (1)


      Abstract (5015) HTML (0) PDF 707.73 K (5172) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper ca1culates several optical properties of quartz used in differential laser gyro. The contents are the elimination of elliptic degree of laser polarization by optical activity,and the differential lose due to the light wave propagating not strict1y along light axis. The serious faults of the later are discussed detailly,and we point out the effective way to weaken them. As a result,the properties of differential laser gyro have been improved greatly.

    • Some Problems of the Overall Scheme Design of Digital Freeze-Picture Transmission Device


      Abstract (4722) HTML (0) PDF 1009.95 K (5103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the first,this paper synthesizes and compares the performance and system of the present foreign digital freeze-picture transmission device. Then,according to partial experience in our work,put forward our several viewpoints on some problems of over11 scheme design,such as,parameter of picture,coding method,method of memory,synchronous system,transmission mode and so on. Finally,the future development direction is described.

    • HO-DPCM Encoding of Color Composite Television Signals for the Transmission System of Freeze Picture


      Abstract (5007) HTML (0) PDF 1018.81 K (5253) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper discusses the problem about the prediction and quantization of color composite television signals for HO-DPCM encoding. Here We analyse equivalence between the DPCM system and the cascade system composed of linear predictive circuit and quantizing noise feedback loop; in order to improve the predictive accuracy of zero frequency and subcarrier frequency,the design principles of predictive loop and quantizer characteristic for HO-DPCM Coder are developed.

    • Multidimensional Processing of Long One-dimensional Sequence


      Abstract (4747) HTML (0) PDF 669.07 K (5095) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is often necessary to perform a long one-dimensional sequence transformation or convolution. If the sequence is too long to process,the multidimensional techniques can be used. This article describes some methods of multidimensional processing to replace the method of one-dimensional processing,and gives out their distinct processing procedure. On the basis of this,this paper provides a compound algorithm WFTA-FNT,it takes good advantages of simplicity,speediness and accuracy of FNT,while the restriction on sequence length imposed by word length or the ambiguous representation of the output is avoided by WFTA.

    • Study of the Technological Process of Adiabatic Bush for《761》Sounding Rocket Nozzle


      Abstract (4692) HTML (0) PDF 2.96 M (5190) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This report describes the selection of materials and the determination of structure about adiabatic bush used for《761》sounding rocket nozzle. Particularly,the selection of some main technological paramenters is discussed when the adiabatie bush is made by compression molding method. A great number of testing data prove that the structure of adiabatic bush is reasonable,the technological process is convenient,operation is reliable,so that,it can be used for adiabatic bush in《761》sounding rocket nozzle and other weapons.

    • An Algorithm of lnx on the 785 Computer


      Abstract (4959) HTML (0) PDF 287.54 K (5189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper an algorithm of lnx is presented. It sums up some of algorithms Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ's advantages and overcomes some of their disadvantages. Moreover,an estimation of error is rigorously established.

    • Statistical Detection of the Maximum Range of Reenter Vehicle


      Abstract (4880) HTML (0) PDF 511.85 K (5529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For sufficiently using the prior information of the range of reenter vehicle for the purpose to detect the maximum range,we apply the statistical decision method. In this paper,we discuse two problems: 1.Bayesian statistical decision method for detecting maximum range. We introduce the lossfunction and prior information,and combine the Bayes risk with the effectiveness of the attack. 2.Bayesian estimation. We give the Bayesian statistical estimation of the maximum range. It appears from theoretical and numerical analysis,that the use of prior information appropriately,we can make the statistical inference in the smaller volume of the sample.

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