1991, 13(4):1-7.
Abstract:The know1edge base debugging tool is used to solve the prob1em of correctness and efficiency of know1edge base caused by the uncomp1eteness and noises,etc. This paper discusses the technical princip1es and design ideas of know1edge base debugging tool through the introduction of imp1ementing method of know1edge base debugging tool KBDT in the know1edge base constructing tool GKD-KBST.
Deng Tieqing , Wang Zhiying , Wu Quanyuan
1991, 13(4):8-14.
Abstract:Based on two integrated methods (interpretation and compiling)of logic programming and relational database,this paper presents a new precompilation-based interpretive approach. This approach retains the advantages of the previous two methods and overcomes their drawbacks. A prototype of a corresponding integrated system based on this approach is introduced in the paper,and its chief imprementation techniques are also discussed which include the coupling at the physical level,the compound of languages at the logical level,the source-level partial evaluation and static optimization,and the fact scheduling and version management during the dynamic execution. At present,this prototype has been put into practical applications as the kernel of the Knowledge Base Management System GKBMS.
1991, 13(4):15-18.
Abstract:Microtasking technique and its implementation on multiprocessor systems are discussed in this paper. The loops and statement blocks of a program can be parallely executed on a multiprocessor system by microtasking technique. The distinctive features of microtasking are low overhead,high efficiency,and its applicability in fine grain parallel tasks.
1991, 13(4):19-23.
Abstract:This paper describes a Full-dup1ex File Transmission System which,with the support of NETBIOS,can transmit files between any two nodes in a network implemented by the task mechanism of Ada. During a transmission procedure,files are transmitted in the form of grouped datagrams. The management of receiving and sendíng processes,as well as the background full-duplex operation,are all imp1emented by the task features of Ada. The paper a1so briefly describes some techniques used in the imp1ementation.
1991, 13(4):24-26.
Abstract:A way for speeding up fetching operands of super-computers without extra hardware support is described in this paper. It is based on the shifted constant of direct data instruction. The efficiency and expressible range are also analyzed.
Wang Yaoxun , Chen Guozhang , Yi Bo
1991, 13(4):27-30.
Abstract:The paper introduces an adaptive echo canceller in full-duplex analog speech secure system. The implementation of the canceller is made possible by using a block-update method to update the transversal filter coefficients. The method has advantages in convergence properties and computational efficiency over the standard mininum gradient algorithm. It also meets the echo canceller requirements of the CCITT G.165 recommentlation.
1991, 13(4):31-37.
Abstract:In this paper the mechanism of measuring the rotational angular velocity of sheels is studied. By applying polarizing grid mesh,information of rotational angular velocity is contained in bullet reflection signal. This has been shown in experiments.
1991, 13(4):38-44.
Abstract:The characteristics of a slow wave free electron laser (FEL),which is formed by filling dielectric medium in a retangular waveguide on one single side,is studied by kinetic coupling mode theory. Analyses show it is possible to produce high frequency free electron laser of high gain and good tunability by using a low energy electron beam.
Gong Jianmin , Liu Shenggang , He Yiping
1991, 13(4):45-51.
Abstract:The dispersion equation of a peniotron using TEno mode in a rectangular waveguide strusture is derived in this paper. The working conditions of the peniotron are investigated and a clearer explanation of the peniotron is made. Based on this,numerical calcnlations of the dispersion equation of the peniotron using TE20 mode are carried out to get the dispersion curves of the peniotron working at the fundamental and the third harmonic synchronous resonance. The curves show that the peniotron has 1.5% growth rate at the fundamental and 0.8% average growth rate at the third harmonic resonance.Further more,the performance of peniotron at the fundamental and the third harmonic resonance are analysed by nonlinear theory,which gives the electron distribution at efficiency saturation. Through large amount of computation,the optimum result is derived: peniotro has 51%high efficiency and QPw=9949.94MW output power at the fundametal,and 11% efficiency and QPw=1741.8MW output power at the third harmonic resonance.
Wang Binghong , Liu Wuming , Lan Maqun
1991, 13(4):52-58.
Abstract:This paper gives the diagram representatives and mathematical proof of linear jacobian matrics for the n-th iteration of De Vogelaere map which is reversible preserving-area.
1991, 13(4):59-65.
Abstract:A theoretical model is made to analyse the effects of finite-size particle,charge nearest grid sharing and time difference on the electrostatic dispersion relation of plasma. A modified dispersion relation is derived. The computer experimental scheme to simulate the plasma particle is designed. The simulation result shows the effects of finite-size particle and time difference on dispersion relation. Finally,completely different simulation results of plasma soliton with different particle size are presented. It indicates that these effects may change the basic physical phenomena of the simulated results in some circumstances.
1991, 13(4):66-73.
Abstract:An example,the optimization of electromagnetic parameters for a special-structured electromagnetic wave absorber are computed by using multi-objective functions. Some parameters with absorptivities>20db with in 5~15GHz and the absorption curves of perpendicular and parallel polarization at incident angle 0°,20°, 45°and 60°corresponding to these parameters are given.It is proved that good absorption characteristics can be obtained even if some inserted layers' do not absorb,provided that the parameters for all layers are optimized. It is difficult to obtain high absorptivity by purely using electronic or magnetic absorber. “Gradual impedance transition” is not the only method to get good electronic matching. For a transmission material with emergent side being “free space”,a good impedance matching can be obtained only at εr≈μr when using materials do not possess absorbency.
1991, 13(4):74-78.
Abstract:This paper introduces a high performance modified epoxy resin. It has lower dielectric constant, higher dielectric losses tangent,better heat proof and higher strength. It is a better matrix for structure EM wave absorber.
1991, 13(4):79-82.
Abstract:The paper introduces a new synthetic method for molybdenum bronze NaxMo6O17 by solid phase reaction. It has been prepared from stoichiometric mixture MoO3 and MaI,or Na2C2O4 in N2 atmosphere at high temperatures. The method for composition and thermal analysis is also discussed in it.
1991, 13(4):83-86.
Abstract:This paper studies the bulk-melting blend behavior of L-PLA/PCL and their transesterification. The degration of two polymers is apparently observed in blend with catalyst titanium (IV) tetrabutoxide Ti (OBu)4 at 150 C. The presence of significant transesterification is proved by 13C-NMR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in blend of L-PLA/PCL. The average lengths of lactone block Lc and of L-lactide block L1-in the copolymer are calculated from 13C-NMR spectra and their molar composition are derived from 1H-NMR spactra.
1991, 13(4):87-89.
1991, 13(4):90-93.
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