
中国石油大学华东 海洋与空间信息学院, 山东 青岛 266580,jidifferent@gmail.com
中国石油大学华东 海洋与空间信息学院, 山东 青岛 266580
青岛市勘查测绘研究院, 山东 青岛 266033
中国石油大学华东 海洋与空间信息学院, 山东 青岛 266580
中国石油大学华东 海洋与空间信息学院, 山东 青岛 266580
中国科学院国家授时中心, 陕西 西安 710600
针对远海精密导航与定位费用高昂的问题,提出利用北斗短报文传输多模全球导航卫星系统的实时服务数据,实现远海实时精密单点定位。为了降低通信成本和硬件成本,本研究对实时服务数据进行简化,弥补了北斗短报文带宽的不足;为了克服北斗短报文频率低的缺点,采取了实时精密星历预报的方法,来获取分钟间隔以外时刻的卫星轨道位置和钟差改正。对基于北斗短报文的远海实时精密单点定位的数据处理过程进行了仿真模拟。后期处理实测海洋观测数据,对定位性能进行测试,可实现水平方向厘米级定位,竖直方向精度为10~20 cm。该方法为低成本的远海实时定位提供了技术参考。

Ocean real-time precise point positioning based on BeiDou short-message communication

JI Shengyue
College of Oceanography and Space Informatics, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China,jidifferent@gmail.com
SUN Jiawen
College of Oceanography and Space Informatics, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China
SONG Yunji
Qingdao Surveying and Mapping Institute, Qingdao 266033, China
WANG Zhenjie
College of Oceanography and Space Informatics, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China
HE Kaifei
College of Oceanography and Space Informatics, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China
LU Yangwei
National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi′an 710600, China
Aiming at a desirable solution to the high cost of precision navigation and positioning in the ocean, transmitting real-time service data from multi-global navigation satellite system through BeiDou short-messages device to realize real-time precise point positioning was proposed. Real-time service data was simplified to reduce the costs of communication and hardware, remedying the shortage of BeiDou short-message band width. In order to overcome the low communication frequency limitation of BeiDou short-message service, and to obtain satellite orbit position and clock correction at the time beyond minute interval, a method of forecasting real-time precise ephemeris was adopted. The data process of real-time precise point positioning in ocean based on BeiDou short-message was simulated. Post-processing ocean observation data and testing positioning performance, its accuracy can reach cm-level in horizontal direction and 10~20 cm in vertical direction. Results show that the method can provide effective technical reference for the low-cost real-time precise point positioning in the ocean.