
国防科技大学 空天科学学院, 湖南 长沙 410073 ;
空天任务智能规划与仿真湖南省重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410073
国防科技大学 空天科学学院, 湖南 长沙 410073 ;
空天任务智能规划与仿真湖南省重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410073
国防科技大学 空天科学学院, 湖南 长沙 410073 ;
空天任务智能规划与仿真湖南省重点实验室, 湖南 长沙 410073
为了研究HTPB推进剂拉伸、压缩蠕变变化规律,设计并分别开展了1 000 s拉伸、1 000 s压缩与28 d拉伸蠕变试验;同时,引入圣维南体与拉压不对称因子,建立了考虑拉压不对称的推进剂黏弹塑性本构模型;通过拟合与分析本构方程中的参数,得到了该方程的适用范围。结果表明:推进剂蠕变变形行为受应力水平影响较大;同一应力水平下,拉伸蠕变的黏弹性变形大小约为压缩蠕变的1.62倍;压缩屈服应力为拉伸屈服应力的3.82倍。因此,拉压不对称黏弹塑性本构模型可以较好地表征低应力水平下推进剂蠕变的响应行为。所得结论和研究方法为固体发动机结构完整性分析与贮存寿命评估提供了参考依据。

Tension-compression asymmetric viscoelastic plastic constitutive model of HTPB propellant

DENG Kuangwei
College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 , China ;
Hunan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Planning and Simulation for Aerospace Missions, Changsha 410073 , China
LI Haiyang
College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 , China ;
Hunan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Planning and Simulation for Aerospace Missions, Changsha 410073 , China
SHEN Zhibin
College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 , China ;
Hunan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Planning and Simulation for Aerospace Missions, Changsha 410073 , China
Tensile and compressive creep behavior of propellants in solid motors due to the influence of the gravity and long-term storage might affect the interior ballistics and structural integrity. In order to investigate the change trends of tensile and compressive creep for HTPB propellant, the 1 000 s tensile, 1 000 s compression and 28 d tensile creep tests were designed and carried out in this work. Meanwhile, the Saint-Venant body and the compressive-tensile asymmetry factor were introduced to establish a propellant viscoelastic plastic constitutive model that takes into account compressive-tensile asymmetry. The range of application of this equation was obtained by fitting and analyzing the parameters in the constitutive equation. The results indicate that the compressive creep process of propellant was mainly dependent on stress level. At the same stress level, viscoelastic deformation of tensile creep is about 1.62 times that of compressive creep, while compressive yield stress is 3.82 times that of tensile yield stress. The tension-compression asymmetric viscoelastic plastic constitutive model can well characterize the tensile-compression creep response of propellants at the lower stress levels. The conclusions and research method in this work can provide reference for structural integrity analysis and storage life evaluation of solid motor.