中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心 中国科学院太空应用重点实验室, 北京 100094
北京跟踪与通信技术研究所, 北京 100094
中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心 中国科学院太空应用重点实验室, 北京 100094
中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心 中国科学院太空应用重点实验室, 北京 100094
北京跟踪与通信技术研究所, 北京 100094
中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心 中国科学院太空应用重点实验室, 北京 100094
针对使用微波双向“Λ”方式实现近圆轨道低轨航天器星地高精度时频比对的问题,提出一种使用短期过境数据的统计学特性生成伪测量数据、填充不可见时段的缺失数据,并计算时频比对长期稳定性的新算法,使用仿真数据校验了算法的有效性。为分析航天器定轨误差对时频比对的影响,利用Hill方程,星地时间比对中的相对运动模型和相对论频移模型分析计算了不同天稳指标对轨道误差的要求,ps量级天稳指标对轨道误差的要求为,径向和切向误差在10 m左右,法向误差约1 200 m;亚ps量级天稳指标对轨道误差的要求为,径向和切向误差在1 m左右,法向误差约120 m。结果表明,航天器定轨精度不是星地双向时间比对性能达到0.01 ps量级短稳、亚ps量级天稳的限制性因素。
针对使用微波双向“Λ”方式实现近圆轨道低轨航天器星地高精度时频比对的问题,提出一种使用短期过境数据的统计学特性生成伪测量数据、填充不可见时段的缺失数据,并计算时频比对长期稳定性的新算法,使用仿真数据校验了算法的有效性。为分析航天器定轨误差对时频比对的影响,利用Hill方程,星地时间比对中的相对运动模型和相对论频移模型分析计算了不同天稳指标对轨道误差的要求,ps量级天稳指标对轨道误差的要求为,径向和切向误差在10 m左右,法向误差约1 200 m;亚ps量级天稳指标对轨道误差的要求为,径向和切向误差在1 m左右,法向误差约120 m。结果表明,航天器定轨精度不是星地双向时间比对性能达到0.01 ps量级短稳、亚ps量级天稳的限制性因素。
Time and frequency transfer via LEO spacecraft in near circular orbit
LIU Tong
Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094 , China
Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, Beijing 100094 , China
GUO Pengbin
Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094 , China
Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094 , China
Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, Beijing 100094 , China
GUO Pengbin
Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094 , China
Aiming at solving the problem of using the two-way "Λ" configuration to achieve high-stability time-frequency comparison between the ground station and the low earth orbit spacecraft in near circular orbits, a new method for longer-term stability calculation was proposed. The method used the statistical characteristics of the short-term data to generate pseudo-measurements and fill the data gaps. The validity of the algorithm was verified using data simulated. To analyze the influence of spacecraft orbit determination error on time and frequency transfer, the Hill equation, the relative motion model in the time-transfer model and the relativistic frequency shift model were combined to analyze and calculate the requirements of orbit error for different long-term indexes. For long-term ps level stability indexes, the requirements of orbit error are that the radial and tangential errors are around 10 m, and the normal error is about 1 200 m. For long-term sub-ps level stability indexes, the requirements of orbit error are that the radial and tangential errors are around 1 m, and the normal error is about 120 m. The results shows that the error of the orbit determination is not the factor that limits the performance of satellite-ground time-frequency comparison to achieve 0.01 ps level short-term stability and sub-ps level long-term stability.
Aiming at solving the problem of using the two-way "Λ" configuration to achieve high-stability time-frequency comparison between the ground station and the low earth orbit spacecraft in near circular orbits, a new method for longer-term stability calculation was proposed. The method used the statistical characteristics of the short-term data to generate pseudo-measurements and fill the data gaps. The validity of the algorithm was verified using data simulated. To analyze the influence of spacecraft orbit determination error on time and frequency transfer, the Hill equation, the relative motion model in the time-transfer model and the relativistic frequency shift model were combined to analyze and calculate the requirements of orbit error for different long-term indexes. For long-term ps level stability indexes, the requirements of orbit error are that the radial and tangential errors are around 10 m, and the normal error is about 1 200 m. For long-term sub-ps level stability indexes, the requirements of orbit error are that the radial and tangential errors are around 1 m, and the normal error is about 120 m. The results shows that the error of the orbit determination is not the factor that limits the performance of satellite-ground time-frequency comparison to achieve 0.01 ps level short-term stability and sub-ps level long-term stability.