This paper studies the application of the method of quadratic programming. By means of optimum design of integrally stiffened waffle shell and solution of dual prob1em of geometric programming using the method of quadratic programming,we have proposed the fol1owing methods: the variables substitution,the gradient travel mode for an improvement on initia1 expansion point,the restrieted step method and the modified Gauss elimination. Some simple and efficient methods are given for the utilization of the method for quadratic programming. The results obtained here Show that those approaches a1so have a good effect on convergence hastening and accuracy raising.
李国光,孙祥一.二次规划法优化设计的应用研究[J].国防科技大学学报,1986,(4):63-75. Li Guoguang, Sun Xiangyi. The application study of the method of quadratic programming[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1986,(4):63-75.