Let S(p,α),C(p,α) and K(p,α) denote the classes of p-valent starlike,convex and close-to-convex functions of order α respectively. In this paper the extreme points and support points of these classes are studied and a series of results have been obtained as follows: Theorem 1.(l) SuppS(p,α)=EHS'(p,α); (2) SuppC(p,α)=EHC(p,α); (3) SuppK(p,α)?EHK(p,α). Theorem 2.(1)EHs(S(p,α))={xzp/(1?yz)2(1?α)p,│x│=│y│=1}(0≤α≤1/2). (2)Supp{s(S(p,α))J}=EHs(S(p,α))(0≤α<1/2). Where J is a continuous linear functional on which does not have the form J(h)=ΣAnh(n)(0) for each h belonging to.
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