Creep mechanics is an ancient as well as a young branch of solid mechanics. It is of practice and theoretical importance to the structure and machine desiges in choosing the work-piece dimensions and estimating the effective service life of the heat-resisting parts, such as the pressure vessels,pipings,turbine blands,or variously structural parts, protractedly operating under high-temperature, high pressure, and other harsh environments. The major task of creep research is to solve such knotty and severe engineering problems. The present paper surveys and briefly reviews the major advances of creep mechanics. It inclucles four main parts:1 Historical activities on creep mechanics;2.Some recent results in creep research;3.Several computational methods of stress analysis in common use;and 4.About creep rupture and failure. We cherish the hope that it might be of some sevice to the youthful scholars and engineers.
周明鸂,郝松林.蠕变力学的今昔与展望[J].国防科技大学学报,1993,15(3):16-24. Zhou Mingxi, Hao Songlin. The Creep Mechanics: its Past,Recent and the Prospect[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1993,15(3):16-24.