In this paper, three kinds of the rapid prototyping of netted-radar system, an object-oriented design are constructed. The first is a sensor/target class which is more easily extensible than many types of radars and targets. The second is a tracking algorithm class which allows a series of tracking algorighms to be used. The third is a fusion tracking-control display class that allows easy access to many of the performence measures for radars and evaluation and debugging of the tracking algorithms. At the same time, netted-radar tracking prototyping system has been developed on computer network platform of distributed Client/Server system. The prototyping system can efficiently track multiple-aircrafts in real time, and attain strict tracking accuracy. Furthermore the prototyping system allows achievment of some growing. reconstructing and reconfiguration capabilities in case of failure of one or more of the radars.
郭晶,汪浩.组网雷达跟踪系统的类结构设计[J].国防科技大学学报,1997,19(2):78-84. Guo Jing, Wang Hao. A Class Structure Design for Netted-Radar Tracking System[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,1997,19(2):78-84.