Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) and converted measurement Kalman Filter(CMKF) have been widely used in radar target tracking. However ,when cross-range measurement errors of target position are serious, the performance of conventional EKF and CMKF degrades considerably. In this article debiased converted measurement Kalman Filter(DCMKF) is inferred with velocity measurement. Simulation results show that DCMKF has a higher accuracy than EKF and CMKF.
贺明科,王正明,朱炬波.去偏转换坐标卡尔曼滤波器的雷达目标跟踪[J].国防科技大学学报,2002,24(5):57-60. HE mingke, WANG Zhengming, ZHU Jubo. Debiased Converted Measurement KF for Radar Target Tracking[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2002,24(5):57-60.