Line segments are ordinary in man-made targets and matching line segments is the first step in a lot of fields, such as 3D reconstruction. Because of occlusion, the question of matching individual line segments is difficult to figure out with the traditional methods, and a novel approach based on epipolar-line constraint and the RANSAC algorithm is presented. Firstly, the points on line segments between image pairs are matched by epipolar-line constraint;Secondly, the RANSAC algorithm is used to estimate a straight line model fit to a set of 2D points, so the line segments of occlusion is matched availably. The result of the synthetic and real images is accurate and reliable.
傅丹,王超,徐一丹,等.一种直线段匹配的新方法[J].国防科技大学学报,2008,30(1):115-119. FU Dan, WANG Chao, XU Yidan, et al. A New Algorism of Matching Line Segments[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2008,30(1):115-119.