The general-purpose computer, supported by all kinds of compatible standard hardware and plenty of application softwares, has been most wildly used in the world. However, the operating system running on it is always the multi-tasks OSs, such as windows 9x/2000 and Linux, which cannot meet the need of the real-time simulation in a general way. Firstly ,the acquiring of high-resolution real-time clock is discussed. Secondly, the stability of frame time under the general-purpose OS environment is studied at length. Several methods used to carry out the real-time simulation on the general-purpose computer has been presented, and an actual general-purpose simulation system also established. The experiment results show that the real-time simulation based on the general computer is feasible.
李兴玮,张卫华,潘玉林,等.通用计算机实时仿真技术[J].国防科技大学学报,2005,27(2):75-79. LI Xingwei, ZHANG Weihua, PAN YuLin, et al. Real-time Simulation Technology Based on theGeneral Computer[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2005,27(2):75-79.