2021, 43(1):127-138.
DOI: 10.11887/j.cn.202101017
As an important carrier of group intelligence, robot clusters have also received a lot of research and development and more and more applications. Robot cluster path planning technology has also developed rapidly as a core key technology. The technical development status of robot cluster path planning was comprehensively and deeply researched. The basic computing architecture applying to different cluster sizes, scalability requirements, communication requirements, and algorithms of the requirements was innovatively summarized. The basic computing architecture consists of redundant computing architecture, distributed computing architecture, and hierarchical computing architecture. From the perspective of scalability and applicability, the path planning method which takes advantage of the most suitable robot clusters, including bionics, artificial potential field method, geometric method, classical search method and evolutionary learning method, was classified. For the cluster simulation verification research, it provided seven free downloadable or open source robot cluster simulation verification platforms.